We will use the iPads and the app Tellagami to create a movie of your researched animal. Download a picture of your animal from Dropbox, then create your avatar. We will create a class movie when we are done.
Tag Archives: research
Solar System Research
Animal PicCollage
Animal Report
Now that your animal research is done, you will type up your report in Microsoft Word and embed a picture of your researched animal in the report.
Biography Research
Biography Research Project
Today we will begin research for your biography project. Use the following websites to gather information about your person.
Heights Library for Britannica and PebbleGo Resources
Animal Research and Slideshow
Continent Project
We will begin a project for your study of the continents. First you will research in the library all about your chosen continent. Next you will create a movie with your information, using the app Shadow Puppet, adding pictures and voice over.
Antarctica from Heights Elementary School on Vimeo.
Animal Research
Today you will begin your animal research. Click on the links below to begin your research.
You can also use the Britannica Online site from the Heights LIbrary.
State Research
Today you will spend most of the period gathering information for your State Report. Use the following websites to help you.
You may also use Brittanica Online.
Biography Research Project
Today we will begin research for your biography project. Use the following websites to gather information about your person.
Animal Slideshow
Today you will begin to create an Animal PowerPoint slideshow based upon the information you collected during your research sessions in the lab.
Landform Research
Today you will explore several websites to learn about the different types of landforms and waterways on Earth. Use the links below.
Enchanted Learning’s Landform Glossary
Types of Land
Mr. Nussbaum’s Landforms Page
Encyclopedia Britannica at the Heights Library website.
MesoAmerican Research
Today you will research the cultural elements of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs. Use the links at the Heights Website to gather information about your particular culture and cultural universal.
Animal Slideshow
Today you will begin to create an Animal PowerPoint slideshow based upon the information you collected during your research sessions in the lab.
Animal Research
Use the Livebinder below to help you collect information for your Animal Research Project.
State Research
Today you will spend most of the period gathering information for your State Report. Use the following websites to help you.
During the last fifteen minutes of the class use the following websites to practice your knowledge of state capitals and locations. Use the games at home to help you learn the capitals!
Animal Research
Today you will begin your animal research. Click on the links below to begin your research.
Animal Research
Today we will begin your animal of Massachusetts research. We will present everyone’s information on a wiki so that we can share it with our friends in Kea’au, Hawaii. Click on the links below to begin your research.
Penguin Research
Today you will use the following websites to help you with your research on penguins.
Enchanted Learning Penguins
National Geographic Penguins
World Book Online
If you have time read an online book about penguins
Tundra Connections
In preparation for your Tundra Connections webcast next week, you will research the arctic ecosystem and how animals, specifically the polar bear, adapts to its environment. Use the links below to answer the questions on the worksheet that Mrs. Leary has provided you.
Arctic Habitats– Brainpop, jr.
National Geographic
State Powerpoint Show
You have completed your research and today you will create a short Powerpoint slide show to show what you have learned. You will learn how to add custom animations and transitions.
State Research
Today you will spend most of the period gathering information for your State Report. Use the following websites to help you. You may also use the World Book Online.
During the last fifteen minutes of the class use the following websites to practice your knowledge of state capitals and locations. Use the games at home to help you learn the capitals!
Solar System Research
Today you will use the websites Astronomy for Kids, Zoom Astronomy, and Star Child to begin collecting information about your planet. You may also watch the Brainpop movie clip for your planet. Click on the pictures below to go to the websites.
NASA Images
Animal Research
Today you will visit the Enchanted Learning website to begin the research for your animal report. At the website you will click on the letter that is the beginning letter of your animal. Write your notes on the research guide that your teacher has given you. Click below to get started.
You can also use the WORLDBOOK ONLINE for extra information about your animal.
Animal Research
Today we will work in the classroom to learn how to use the Internet for animal research. Ms. Jones and I will model how to gather information on the Northern fur seal, an animal that returns to a rookery on the Pribilof Islands every year. We will complete a research guide using information from websites and videos. Next week we will use the computers in the lab to research your specific animal from Massachusetts. We will present everyone’s information on a wiki so that we can share it with our friends in the Pribilof Islands.
Animal Research
Today you will visit the Enchanted Learning website to begin the research for your animal report. At the website you will click on the letter that is the beginning letter of your animal. Write your notes on the research guide that your teacher has given you. Click below to get started.
Try this website at home to create your own original animal at Build Yourself Wild!
Famous Inventor Slideshow
Today you will create a PowerPoint slide show based upon the research you conducted on your famous inventor. You will learn how to choose a layout and slide design, insert a picture, create a bulleted list and animate it, and add a slide transition.
Animal Research
Today you will visit the Enchanted Learning website to begin the research for your animal report. At the website you will click on the letter that is the beginning letter of your animal. Write your notes on the research guide that your teacher has given you. Click below to get started.
Try this website at home to create your own original animal at Build Yourself Wild!
Cool Country Postcards
This week you will begin to create a giant postcard based upon the cool country that you have been researching. We will use two slides in Powerpoint for your postcard. You will find a flag and a map of the country for the Slide 1, the outside of the card. For Slide 2, the reverse side of the card, you will insert an image of a postage stamp from the country and write a friendly letter incorporating some of the fast facts that you researched. We will print the slides and gluestick them to card stock creating an 8.5″x11″ postcard.
Find the map and flag by clicking below.
Kia Ora -All About New Zealand
Artist Glog
Over the next several weeks we will be working on a special multidisciplinary project involving Art, English Language Arts, Information Literacy skills and Technology skills. You will be creating a Glog on one particular artist. There are several steps which must be completed before we can begin to assemble the glog.
- Ms. Mellman, the art teacher, will introduce you to various artists and their styles.
- You will research one particular artist, during library class with Ms. Fuller, gathering information about the artist’s works, life and style. You will also collect images and videos and proper citations.
- You will write a paragraph about your artist with Mrs. Shaw.
- You will podcast your final paragraph with Ms. Shapiro.
- You will create a graphic organizer in the lab detailing all the components of the glog.
- Finally, you will assemble the glog in the lab at GlogsterEDU. Ms. Mellman will be in the lab, too, to consult with you about best choices to display your artist’s style.
Below is my sample.