We will learn how to use Animation-ish to create an animation of the phases of the moon. Click on the picture below to see a sample.
Tag Archives: phasesofmoon
Phases of the Moon Movie
Now that we’ve completed the phases of the moon animation, let’s bring it into iMovie on the iPad and add music. Create a title for the movie in Drawing Pad and save to the camera roll.
Phases of the Moon
Today we will create an animation of the phases of the moon. We will use the iPads and the app DoInk.
Phases of the Moon
Create a slideshow in KidPix that illustrates the first five phases of the moon from new to full. We’ll start by reviewing the phases of the moon by going to an interactive website. Then, open each of the seven slides in the Phases of the Moon folder and follow the directions given. Once finished, create a slideshow in Kid Pix. Click here for a sample.