Marionette STEAM Project

We will begin our research in the library on Newton’s Laws in preparation for the creation of a marionette in art class which will demonstrate those laws. After the marionette is built, we will use the iPads and the app Explain Everything to show what you learned and to demonstrate how the movement of the marionette demonstrates Newton’s Laws. Use the resources below to start your research.

Science Weekly newspaper article on Newton’s Three Laws of Motion

Science A-Z: Force and Motion book

Brainpop- Newton’s Laws of Motion

Science Channel – Newton’s Three Laws


Exploring Energy

Today you will watch the United Streaming video, Exploring Energy. The video will ask you several questions along the way. Pause the video and answer the questions on the worksheet that Mrs. Leary will provide. When you are finished with the video, click on the pictures below to take you to a Millionaire type game on energy, and a place to try your own hand at building a roller coaster.
