Solar System and Planet Glogs

Today you will begin to collect pictures for your Planet and Solar System Glogs. Next week, after you have researched the topics, we will assemble the Glog in the lab, using GlogsterEDU.
Gather pictures from the following NASA websites:
NASA Images
NASA Images Exchange
Great Images In NASA (GRIN)
NASA Multimedia

Use WatchKnow to find a video to include in your glog.

Planet Postcard

This week you will begin to create a giant postcard based upon the planet that you have been researching. We will use two slides in Powerpoint for your postcard. You will find two pictures for Slide 1, the outside of the card. For Slide 2, the reverse side of the card, you will insert an image for a postage stamp from the planet and write a friendly letter incorporating some of the facts that you researched. We will print the slides and gluestick them to card stock creating an 8.5″x11″ postcard.