Inside and Outside Characteristics Graphic Organizer

Today we will use Kidspiration to create a graphic organizer of the inside and outside characteristics of your action figure. Try to include a simile about each characteristic. You will also learn how to use the digital camera to take a picture of your figure to include in your document. Finally you will use the graphic organizer to guide you with writing a paragraph about its characteristics.

Characteristics of a Scarecrow

You have drawn and cut out a scarecrow in your classroom and added much detail to it. Today we will use Kidspiration to create a graphic organizer of the inside and outside characteristics of your scarecrow. Try to include a simile about each characteristic. You will take a picture of your scarecrow to include in your document. Finally you will use the graphic organizer to guide you with writing a paragraph about its characteristics. If you are done early go to the Little Critter’s Scarecrow Game.


Help Grizzle the monster match the words to make contractions. We’ll start by playing this interactive activity at the board (click picture below). Then, at your computer, you’ll practice making contractions by going to the Connie’s Contractions activity in Kidspiration. If you have time, you can practice more online with Contraction Match or Contraction Basketball.

Compound Words

Grizzle is trying to help the wizard understand what he wants. Let’s see if the wizard can figure out his request. We’ll start by playing this interactive activity at the board (click picture below). Then, at your computer, you’ll practice compound words by going to the Polly’s Playground activity in Kidspiration. If you have time, you can then practice rhyming words with Cat at Bat or Rhyming Rhinos.

Digital Storytelling: The Hand-Me-Down Project

We will begin to get organized for the big Hand-Me-Down Story Project. You have completed the first step of interviewing your family members to gather information about a story that is often retold at family events. The next steps include:

  1. Use Inspiration software to create a graphic organizer that will help you write the actual story.
  2. Collect pictures and scan them into the computer.
  3. Write the story in Word.
  4. Storyboard the story for iMovie
  5. Narrate the story in iMovie, arranging words, pictures, and music into a heartfelt tale.

Alien Exchange Reflections

Today we will visit the Alien Gallery to view our groups drawings and redraws. Examine your group’s redraws carefully. How could you have written your description better so that your companion class would have drawn your alien more successfully? Use this template to record your reflections. We will share your reflections on the Alien Exchange website and with our partners in a Skype call next week.


Mealworm Maze

Today you will use a Kidspiration template to design a maze for your mealworm out of virtual base ten blocks. Later you will take your printed design back to the classroom, build the maze out of real base ten blocks, and allow your mealworm to run the maze in search of oatmeal. On your mark, get set, GO!