Transliteracy: Van Gogh’s Chairs and QR codes

Based on a project by Sylvia Tolisano we will be working on an art, ELA, and technology project over then next few weeks.

  • After learning about Van Gogh’s chairs, from Mrs. Mellman in Art, you drew a chair that represented you and things important to you
  • Next you will write a script with Mrs. Hanley describing your chairs and the choices you made
  • We will type the script in Microsoft Word
  • Then we will use Garageband to podcast the script
  • Finally, we will create a QR code which will be posted on your picture at the Art Show for all to see and listen to

Biome Podcasts

You will create a podcast, using Garageband, with your group on the biome that you have been researching.

1. Create an engaging script with an introduction and conclusion.

2. Collect pictures to enhance your script.

3. Include the following elements in your podcast.

  • Title page with a picture, name of the biome, group members’ names
  • Location, climate, and terrain
  • Animals of biome
  • Animal adaptations
  • Plants of biome
  • Plant adaptations
  • Typical food chain for biome
  • Sources

4. Record and edit your section of the podcast in Garageband and export as an mp3

5. Import all the mp3 into one podcast and add pictures and music


Use the Live Binder below to help with your research.

Transliteracy: Van Gogh’s Chairs and QR Codes

Based on a project by Sylvia Tolisano we will be working on an art, ELA, and technology project over then next few weeks.

  • After learning about Van Gogh’s chairs, from Mrs. Mellman in Art, you drew a chair that represented you and things important to you
  • Next you will write a script with Mrs. Hanley describing your chairs and the choices you made
  • We will type the script in Microsoft Word
  • Then we will use Garageband to podcast the script
  • Finally, we will create a QR code which will be posted on your picture at the Art Show for all to see and listen to